Nice to meet you, I am Astrid.
I was born in the Netherlands on a beautiful spring day in 1982. I love being outdoors, watching animals, plants, flowers, trees, clouds, humans, insects, etcetera! Observing makes me happy and inspires me to draw and design.
Here I present a few highlights of my professional skills. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
Drawing and Illustration
In my twenties I studied Fine Art and explored multiple art disciplines. Drawing remains a great passion of mine because I express myself best with pencil and paper. In my thirties I fel in love with Adobe software and developed the necessary technical software skills to be an organised and flexible designer.
Communication Design
I have an international bachelor in Communication Design and worked on many projects over the years within that expertise. In short, communication design involves answering the following question: how to make content as clear and attractive as possible for the target audience in mind?
Creative Writing
Language inspires me. I enjoy learning new languages and I enjoy exploring languages creatively. For me, Dutch, English and German are the languages that I can freely work with. I love the freedom and playfulness that greeting cards offer when it comes to copy.
Greeting Card Design
Making greeting cards comes very naturally to me because I draw from emotion, think of clear messaging and love to play around with words... I am never short of ideas!